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  • Improvement

Passport Supports Multifactor Authentication

Kandji Passport makes the login process easier for end users by syncing their local Mac login credentials with those they use for single sign-on with their organization's identity provider (IdP). Passport now supports...
August 23, 2022
  • Improvement

Create Multiple Instances of Auto Apps, Managed OS

We’ve made a significant improvement in the way Auto Apps and managed operating systems are configured and delivered. You can now set up multiple instances of a given Auto App or Managed OS library item, each with its...
June 1, 2022
  • Improvement

Updates to Library Items UI

In order to make it easier to locate library items, we’ve updated the sort order to be alphabetical beneath each appropriate category. We've also improved UI elements of several library items for better consistency and...
April 20, 2022
  • Improvement

Deprecated Parameter Removal

Deprecations: As of today the following Parameters have been removed from the Kandji Web App and all associated Blueprints. Please ensure you have migrated to the appropriate Library Items. Enable FileVault 2 Escrow...
April 6, 2022
  • Improvement

Library Item UI Improvements

We’ve improved UI elements of several Library items for better consistency and performance. These changes include replacing yes/no drop-down selectors with checkboxes: And improving time-period sliders. The following...
March 23, 2022
  • Improvement

Agent Update

Kandji Agent Version - 3.5.1 (2270) : The Kandji Agent, specifically the parameter-agent has multiple improvements with this release: Performance improvements: Running the agent with sudo kandji run will be noticeably...
March 23, 2022
  • Improvement

Updated Interface for Integrations

Kandji has completely revamped the Integrations section of our web app. That section, where you configure the integration of third-party apps and services with Kandji, has been moved out of Settings to a section of its...
March 1, 2022

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